Junior tennis players compete in PSSA state champs

Sahra Dennehy sets herself to serve.

The 2013 NSW PSSA Tennis State Championships were held last week in Albury showcasing junior talent in the New England.
A squad of 10 North West players was selected to compete at the tournament for the Don Moon Trophy.  The team consisted of five boys and five girls, including Sherriff’s Tennis Academy players Sahra Dennehy and Elle McNaught. Justin Sherriff , the girls’ coach, said that he was extremely proud of their achievements at the state tournament with both girls winning most of their matches over the four days of tennis.  Connor Shaw and Adam Lucas, also from Armidale, were selected to represent the North West region and also travelled to Albury to compete. The players all worked hard to hone their skills and achieved a personal goal of reaching state-level competition.
Overall the boys’ team came 12th and the girls’ team came 10th with a brilliant effort put in by all. The best junior primary school aged players from across NSW all qualified to compete at this major sporting team event.
Over the years, players of the calibre of Todd Woodbridge, Wally Masur and Jason Stoltenberg have all played at the carnival before achieving international tennis careers.
From this tournament a state team was chosen by NSW tennis selectors  to play at the National Australia Championships for the Bruce Cup to be held in Brisbane in October.
Well done to all of the North West Team for a tournament well played and in great sporting spirit.

Elle McNaught shows fine form on her forehand.

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