After last week’s success around the barge wreck and blue hole I headed straight there both days on the weekend.
The place is full of fish, I’d have to say Sunday was the best bream session I’ve ever had. I started casting right on sun-up and caught a thirty-plus bream on my first seven casts, getting my 1/8oz shrimp down to where the rock wall meets the sand. I try to float the plastic down over the rocks, tempting the fish all the way to the sand, never got to the sand, I was getting nailed on the drop every time, good stuff.
Then the taylor arrived and proceeded to munch my lures to pieces. I’d taken two packets ‘gulp shrimp camo color/eco aqua prawn’ a total of sixteen plastics all gone in 40 minutes.
I ran into Ben Godfrey on the way home, he’d been outside and had some nice fish on board including a couple of nice snapper.
I ended up the weekend on a sour note. I slipped and my foot went through the hobies’ pedal hole, cracking a bone in my little toe, it wasn’t a pretty look as it was pointing in the wrong direction. I taped it together last night, it’s not looking so bad this morning, should be right for next weekend’s adventures.