Going the distance

Fishing On the Tweed By DAVID SOLANO

YOU know, I thought everybody could cast a fishing rod but when my girlfriend arrived from Brazil and we went fishing, well, I discovered she couldn’t cast – never held a rod before, unheard of? Well maybe not.
While talking about fishing on the local ABC radio every Monday morning at 5.50am the presenter Bernadette Young told me she can’t cast a rod at all, doesn’t know which end to hold it from, so there you go, they are out there.
So Marcela and I soon started casting lessons. At the start, things were pretty funny as Marcela would grab the rod then straight away I could see her tense up, then she would bend down, rod went back, then her whole body turned as she unleashed her cast with such fury I really couldn’t see the lure? Oops! There it is landing at Marcela’s feet.
When we both stopped laughing we tried again, hey a full metre this time, slowly but surely the castings getting better. At the moment it’s all casting but later I will introduce her to accuracy.
Maybe put a bucket out on the lawn and try to cast a lure into it while increasing your distance when your confidence is up – practice if the key.
The unit block where I live has quite a few fishos living there, they have been giving Marcela tips and I should point out that my gear is high end, ie: thin line, fast reels, fast rods so they are not as easy to cast with as some of the standard rods. Marcela loves the Tweed and is enjoying the fishing adventures. Cheers.

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