Ramping it up

Rams player Gary Quinlan barnstorms across the line for a second consecutive try.


A LARGE crowd turned out for a hit of Sunday footy at Rugby League Park on Sunday. The Group 19 game between the Armidale Rams and Moree Boomerangs at Rugby League Park was an intense and fast affair. Chilling winds kept the players moving and the warmer climate Boomerangs pushed through, defeating the Rams, 54 to 36.
The win means that the Boomerangs have replaced the Glen Innes Magpies at the top of table. Disciplined rebuilding since returning to Group 19 has paid off and head coach Chris Binge had that ’we’re back’ feeling, while stating that they could not be overconfident about the rest of the season.
The Armidale Rams president Terry Carson said that his first grade side was struggling with consistency. Following their home ground defeat on Sunday afternoon, their battle is currently with the Ashford Roosters, for the bottom rung of the ladder.

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