Wake up call for Rams against Glen Innes

The red hot form displayed by the Armidale Rams this season in Group 19 came to a grinding halt on Sunday when they faced Glen Innes at Rugby League Park on Sunday, going down 55 to 28. The disappointing loss could have been a case of complacency from the Rams who had hit their stride in performances leading up to Sunday’s game.
The Rams scored first against Glen Innes and from there it was tit for tat throughout the first half. Going into the sheds at half-time, Glen Innes led 24 to 16.
In the second half is where it all seemed to go wrong for the Rams, not through lack of trying. However, co-coach Brian Dennison believes his side’s defence is what let them down and enabled Glen Innes to dominate.
“We started off OK and going into the sheds at half-time we knew that we had the ability to score tries but it was the first 10 minutes into the second half where they scored three quick tries that really made it hard for us,” said Brian.
“That really put us behind the eight ball throughout the second half.”
The Rams have prided themselves on great defence but this part of their game really let them down.
“We just didn’t fire today and the momentum was just too much for us, we didn’t make the tackles that needed to be made,” said Brian.
“The loss to Glen Innes was a wakeup call for the whole team. We spoke in the sheds after the game and every individual got a chance to have a chat about the game and a lot of them admitted that they were taking the game a little too easy, especially after the previous wins that we had had.
“Our performance off the field at training hasn’t been the best in the last couple of weeks. For us this loss was a chance to bring us back down to earth.”
The Rams have the next couple of weeks off to re-group and face Guyra in Armidale who, in the first round, inflicted an embarrassing defeat which the Rams will hope to rectify.
In other games, the Rams Ladies League Tag had a much improved game against Glen Innes despite going down to Glen Innes 44 to 6. Kady Gwynne scored Armidale’s only try and it was converted by Jess Widders.
U18s had a great turnaround from last week against Tingha, upsetting Glen Innes and winning 24-20. Seven minutes into the game the Rams were on the board with a try to Centre Dylan Griffiths and converted by Jordan Moran. A try to Harrison Dixon and conversion by Jordan Moran saw the Rams leading at the halftime break 12-10. Only five minutes into the second half a try to Steve Quinlan and Jordan Moran’s successful conversion saw the Rams in front 18-10. Glen Innes came back with an unconverted try, Rams 18-14. Glen crossed again ,with the score locked at 18-all, with fourteen minutes to go. Glen Innes were awarded a penalty right in front; they kicked for goal, which had them leading 20-18.
With three minutes left on the clock, Glen were penalised for a forward pass off the kick-off which then saw Dylan Griffiths cross for his 2nd try, Jordan Moran had another successful conversion which saw the young Rams take the game 24-20. Player points went to Dylan Griffiths 3 points, Dylan Tanner 2 points and Damien Dussart 1 point.
Reserve Grade ended up being a nail biter with the Rams going down to Glen 34-28. It was a real to and fro game, with some great footy played by both sides. The first half saw only one try scored by Cal Ridley for the Rams. It didn’t look good for the Rams going to the break 24-6 down but the Rams were to come out after some encouraging words at half-time to hold Glen to one try for the second half. The Rams managed four tries in the second half, with some great play ending in tries scored by Chad Borger, Shannon Rafferty, Caleb Gazzard and Mike Ware. Player Points went to Chad Borger (3), Shannon Rafferty(2), John Rossiter, Coach’s award went to John Rossiter and players’ player went to Shannon Rafferty.

Story: Jo Harrison

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