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Tag: John Bergin

In response

Saving conservatives from their myths, fables and foibles can be a thankless task. However your correspondent Jay Nauss is a myth busters dream, so...

In response

Your correspondent Jay Nauss, (7-12) rails against increased incomes for policy makers. Democracy is an expensive and sophisticated system of Government Jay. Carbon tax is...

Tony Windsor will be vindicated

At the next federal election, who will be the National Party candidate for New England? As he hasn’t had a lot of luck lately, I...

Passing of the Carbon Tax

The Gillard grizzlers will get their comeuppance with the passing of the carbon tax legislation. The pity is, opponents made little attempt to understand the...

In response

Your correspondent S Mobbs. (28-9) invites me to find God by reading the Bible. I studied Catholic Doctrine for twelve years. I studied the Bible...

In response

I read the letter by Jan Wyles (August 3) asking us to be honest about our religious beliefs in the Census. She was not...

One trick pony

Why is knowledge not currency among the conservatives of Armidale? None are people who value ignorance. Tony Windsor has been on the jury in the...