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Tag: Maria Hitchcock

Local author’s book launches on National Wattle Day

Local author, Maria Hitchcock, is celebrating the publication of her latest book, ‘A Celebration of Wattle’ which will be launched at the Australian National...

Open invitation to candidates

Council elections will be held in less than a month. Our newly elected Councillors will soon have to come to grips with a large...

Dumaresq Dam wall

A long standing member of the ADC Floodplain committee informed me recently that this committee was in favour of removing the Dumaresq Dam wall....

In response

While I share the passion of Maria Hitchcock for Dumaresq Dam, I cannot share her insouciant attitude in recommending a ‘do nothing’ solution. While councillors...

Save Dumaresq Dam

Support is steadily growing among residents in their campaign to save the iconic Dumaresq Dam. The Save Dumaresq Dam Supporters Group now has a...

Concern flows

The future of the historic Dumaresq Dam is under a cloud, with the NSW State Government’s Dam Safety Committee advising Armidale Dumaresq Council that...

Testosterone laden boys with their big and dangerous toys

Shooters in National Parks! How terrifying! How will they know if there are bushwalkers in the area? Will we have monster sirens warning people...