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Tag: Pat Lightfoot

Sign up with NBN or be cut off?

When Tony Windsor supported the ALP Government, they in return offered to support the NBN project at a cost of 40 billion dollars including...

PM and Labor Politicians have gone too far!

Julia Gillard and some of her female ALP politicians must have bitten off their tongues after announcing that Tony Abbott was a misogynist. Gals! Just...

Richard Torbay for New England

Is it the “Singer' or the “Song'? It's the singer all the time. Richard Torbay has been hard working for the Northern Tablelands, not...

Post Modernism clap trap

Well Dr Scully of UNE might be right in his views on post modernism. To me it usually refers to philosophy, literature, art, religion...

Who controls the past?

Anyone who takes historical studies seriously knows or is warned that one NEVER relies solely on secondary sources to base your hypothesis. Referring to...


Your correspondent Pat Lightfoot isn't the only one bemused by Dr David Roberts and Carol Baxter's pseudo-historical articles about my 2009 book Thunderbolt: Scourge...

Re: Dr David Robert’s and Carol Baxter’s issue over Thunderbolt

Dr David Roberts and Ms Carol Baxter's articles in the media recently, the Journal of Australian Studies and UNE Life, (in my opinion) don't...

Mary Ann Bugg/Baker/Ward died in 1867

Thunderbolt rides again! So much has been written about him recently in the press, I would suggest the ghosts of Frederick Ward and Mary...

Christmas Island’s past

I was a British MOD employee in Cyprus during the years 1960 to 1963, and one of my bridesmaids’ husbands revealed to us he...

He who laughs last?

I must comment on those correspondents, and I appreciate they have a point of view to express, if only they get their facts right....

McCrossin’s Mill a winner

A beautiful afternoon on Sunday, September 18, and the McCrossin’s Mill volunteers should be congratulated as the venue chosen to launch Carol Baker’s book...

We have 24-hour electricity!

I am not sure what Jarra Hicks meant when she referred to my comments ‘Scott is on the right track’ that was published in...