Country Labor lines up

Country Labor candidate for the 25 May Northern Tablelands by-election Herman Beyersdorf is confident that he can win over the 63 percent of the electorate who voted for the former Independent Richard Torbay, giving voters an alternative to the National Party.
At Country Labor’s official office opening in Armidale last Sunday, Mr Beyersdorf said he had already hit the campaign trail hard and was expecting a “hard haul.”
“I am certainly going to give it every inch of my ability – the National Party shouldn’t take the seat for granted,” Mr Beyersdorf said.
“During the 2011 election 63 per cent of the vote went to the former member, Richard Torbay. Those votes will have to go somewhere and I am hoping to attract as many of them as I can.”
Glen Innes and Guyra have already been visited by Mr Beyersdorf, with the rest of the electorate on his radar over the coming weeks.
Issues of particular concern for Country Labor include opposing the cuts to education, health (including the redevelopment of the Armidale Hospital), opposing the O’Farrell Government’s policy on shooting in national parks and not allowing any new coal seam gas exploration licences until accurate science into the effects of CSG mining has been carried out.
“I am really keen to get out into the electorate to hear what people’s concerns are,” Mr Beyersdorf said.
“So far the response from the community to Country Labor and my candidacy has been very positive.
“I consider this by-election to be much more open than what it would have been – almost volatile. Who knows where a lot of those former independent voters are going to go and I will do my best to make sure as many as possible go to Labor.”

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