Careers extravaganza

Last Wednesday, July 25, Duval High School hosted its very first Careers Festival, with over 40 local businesses, government departments and education organisations, highlighting what career opportunities are available to secondary students once they leave high school.
The atmosphere was buzzing, as over 1000 students, parents, and members of the community came to enjoy the careers festival.
There was a variety of interactive stalls for students to get involved in and explore their career options, from interactive stalls from the Armidale Referral Hospital, who had a resuscitation doll demonstrating CPR, to Ella Baché who performed eyelash tints, and showed students massaging techniques.
The entertainment was provided by Dunbar the Clown, Soo-Wee the Magician and a giant board game supplied by The CDAT Game (Choices, Decisions and Teamwork). The Duval High Soul Band, and the Duval High String Quartet performed also.
Outside the hall there was a variety of snacks, which included fairy floss, popcorn and a sausage sizzle.
Lana Hardman, Careers Advisor at Duval High School, spent five months preparing for the Festival.
“It was all worth it, to see it all come together so beautifully, and to see everyone enjoying themselves and gathering information,” said Lana.
The Careers Festival was not just for students who attend Duval High School, it was open for all students in the region. Students from Armidale High, TAS, PLC, O’Connor, Walcha Central, and even some students from the University of New England went to the Festival.
“It’s brought the community together at a very informative event, it has enabled students to make career decisions and develop their future career goals.
“I think what contributed to the success was the enthusiasm of all the business and organisations in town.
“Everyone went to so much trouble to make it interactive, the enthusiasm of all the people was just brilliant. Everybody was so supportive; there was a real community sprit about it. It was just wonderful.”
Stafford Cameron, Principle of Duval High School, was thrilled.
“This was an unmitigated success, profiling the local and school community,” he said.
When asked whether there will be another expo next year, Ms Hardman replied, “This will be the one of many such career expos that Duval plans to hold.”

Kasumi Scott

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