Career choices on tap


THE transition from Year 10 to 11 is considered a daunting experience for many students.

Duval High School made the transition a little easier by holding an information evening last Wednesday.
The night was not exclusive for Duval students – the doors were open to all Year 10 students in the region along with their parents, ensuring a well attended and successful evening.
“Year 10 information evenings focus on the structure and requirements of the HSC, we provide information about school-based apprenticeships, traineeships, subject choices and what to expect over the next two years,” school careers adviser Lana Hardman said.
“We provide enough information so the students can make informed subject choices,” Mrs Hardman said.
Duval offers an extensive range of vocational and education training (VET) courses including engineering, retail and business as well as many other industry focused courses.
Mrs Hardman said that student assistance, guidance and support does not stop at the information evening, but was carried on throughout the rest of their school career.
“I am passionate about helping students reach their potential,” she said.
“I offer personalised career counselling and provide individual students with every opportunity to make informed decisions about their future career choices.
“A subject selection process is undertaken where the head teachers and I offer an interview to each student to appreciate each individual’s goals and aspirations,” Mrs Hardman said.
“The student, teachers, parents and I then all work together to follow up that process and achieve set goals.”
Duval High School offers a ‘personal touch’ where every staff member is instrumental in building confidence, nurturing and encouraging dreams and aspirations, she said.
“We are devoted to ensuring every student performs to their highest potential.”
Previous 2012 Student Mathew Barton is a fine example of taking advantage of all Duval has to offer attaining an ATAR of 98.7 and receiving the Tuckwell Scholarship to the Australian National University.
“We consistently achieve outstanding academic and sporting results, Duval ranked first in the New England Region for its 2012 HSC results,” Mrs Hardman said.
“Our objective is to equip all Duval students with the knowledge and skills required for a successful transition from school to work or further education.”

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