Australia Day ceremonies this weekend

Australia Day on the Tweed Coast is usually a day of big crowds, barbecues along the creeks and waterways and public events – but not this year.
The floods of the day before kept crowds well down and police reported a “very quiet day” across the Tweed Coast.
The extreme weather forced the postponement of the official Australia Day ceremony at Tyalgum, with a second citizenship ceremony planned for Tweed Heads also called off along with the official events at Kingscliff, Pottsville and Bogangar.
The awards ceremony and citizenship ceremony will now be held this Saturday, February 4 at the Murwillumbah Civic Centre from 1.30-2pm.
Tweed Mayor Councillor Barry Longland said it was unfortunate that events did not go ahead as planned, but the safety of residents was paramount.
“It’s a great disappointment for all the volunteers from a variety of community organisations, including the Tweed Shire Australia Day Committee, who have worked tirelessly to organise these events,” Councillor Longland said.
The only “official” event that went ahead was the morning of children’s activities at Jack Evan’s Boat Harbour. The Tweed Coast –based Mad Sports Crew were out with activities for children from slip and slides to tug-o-war.
The event gave Australia Day Ambassador actress Benita Collings a chance to meet at least some of the people of the Tweed.
Benita, well-known for her long running role on Play School, said it was sad that the events had to be cancelled. This is her fourth year as an ambassador and it was her first visit to the Tweed.
“I love what I’ve seen so far,” she said looking out at the some-what murky Jack Evans Boat Harbour on Australia Day.

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