Epic celebration for Kirra Surfriders Club

Congratulations to the Kirra Surfriders Club for hosting a very successful 50th anniversary at the Coolangatta Hotel on Saturday.
Originally planned for Kirra Hill however the rain called for a venue change and the plan B option went off without a hitch. It was one of the biggest surfing reunions seen in a long time with as many as 300 guests turning up from the five generations of surfing.
Jessie the Eagle from Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary (representing the KSC’s mascot) headed the afternoon’s ceremonies and a roll call of Presidents from the sixties right up to the new millennium all spoke passionately about their involvement of their club.
The list of Presidents included Tony Butler (first Pres), Curly Pinniger, John Standing, Paul Daley, John Poole, Graeme Scammel, Ray Manicarus, Poe Cross, Darren Handley, Stu Ball and Darryl Green who turned 60 at midnight! Current President Jason Thomas thanked the past Presidents for their contributions and all those who attended an epic night.
Dual World Champion Mick Fanning spoke as did Club Historian Tom Peterson and original Snapper Rocks Surfrider Jeff “Bully” Arnold congratulated Kirra from the Snapper side. Next year will be Snapper’s turn to host their 50th!
Big thankyou’s should go out to organisers Jenny Sheehan, Lyle, Jason, Joey, Paule, John Robin, Sheeny and the BBQ crew who cooked a sumptuous meal for the guests.
Live music was performed by former KSC members Jamie Kasdaglis (Living Room Band), Jeff Helismo (Ulo) and Larry Taylor. An extremely stoked John Vale won the $5,500 trip to the Mentawai’s courtesy of the Perfect Wave.

Story: Andrew McKinnon

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