The Miss Tweed Ball series came to Pottsville last week with a good crowd of all ages turning up to take part in this traditional event at the community centre.
The winners on the night, as judged by Kevin and Pam Kennedy were: Tiny Tot Miss Chloe Parker, Tiny Tot Beau Nicholas Gresham, cousin to Junior Beau, Patrick Gresham, Junior Miss Holly Pattemore Miss Pottsville Lexie Walker, Matron Veronica Wright and Senior Beau Steven McCloy.
The next Ball will be held from 8pm at the Chillingham Hall, north-west of Murwil-lumbah on Saturday night, August 4.
“If you have started some dance classes, and want to see something more, come along and join in,” reigning matron Robyn Lemaire said.
“A Pride of Erin is the dance for the titles of Tiny Tot, Under 9 years, Junior to 14 years, both boys and girls get a prize, and the opportunity to dance at the final in August.
“The Miss is for 15 years and over, with a sash and gift or the winner. The oldies don’t miss out; they have the Matron and Senior Beau categories to enter.
“With a range of dances over the night with some new vouge, old time, progressive barn, the macerana, and a chicken dance for the kids, a bit of rock ’n’ roll, a lucky spot, there is something to join in on. A great opportunity for girls to dress up, or practise for a deb, or wedding, the band plays until midnight.. It is a family night with supper made by the local ladies of the hall, included in the reasonable price of $10 for adults, and $5 for children 13 to 17 years, young children are free. Soft drinks can be purchased, tickets at the door.”