Volunteer champ

An email from the NSW Sports Federation has left Cudgen Headland Surf Club president Gary Cain speechless – after he was named as an “Outstanding Volunteer”.
Gary, with wife Cheryl who is also involved in the surf club, will travel to Sydney next Wednesday to formally receive his award – one of 21 given throughout the State.
The inaugural awards were announced by the NSW State Government earlier this year and are aimed at recognising the contributions of volunteers in local sporting groups at a grassroots level. The awards are broken into seven categories, with three winners in each category. The winners will go into the running for the overall Volunteer of the Year to be announced in February next year.
Winning the award, in the events category for his work on last year’s NSW Surf titles, came as a shock for the usually laconic and laid-back Gary who didn’t even know he was nominated.
“I was a bit taken aback at first – I knew nothing about the awards,” he said, admitting to being a little embarrassed by the fuss.
“It was a team effort running last year’s NSW Surf Lifesaving titles – the whole club, the council and community.”
He said Kim Holden and a couple of the NSW boys were probably behind his nomination.
But, while Gary was playing down his part in the titles, it’s clear his clubmates couldn’t be happier with his win.
“This is an extremely prestigious award and we couldn’t be happier that it has gone to Gary Cain,” club spokesman Brian Vickery said on behalf of the entire club.
“His leadership of the surf life saving club over the past 10 years has been inspirational. He has overseen a great many changes to the club and re-energised our competition teams.
“His active involvement did not go unnoticed by the members who awarded him the coveted ‘Blue of Blues’ for the club two years in a row.
“This year he was faced with enormous challenges to prepare the club and the beach for a State Titles event in the face of changing tidal and ocean movements which were unpredictable at best. He rose to this challenge, marshalled his troops and provided one of the best managed State Titles seen in NSW.
“His personal endeavours were almost super human to the extent that he was almost totally exhausted at the conclusion and needed a week of rest.”
He said Cudgen Headland Surf Life Saving Club was very proud that this award has gone to Gary Cain and feels that it is justly deserved.
And while Gary, a little uncomfortable with the attention, said he was honoured to receive the award, his mind is on next year.
“We have started the call for volunteers for next year’s titles,” he said.
“You can come to the club house – there are sheets behind the bar (to fill in).”
He said, with erosion still a problem in front of the club house – although sand is coming back just south of the building – there were still decisions to be made about next year’s NSW Surf titles.
“We do have a couple of  different plans, one is to use the area near Terrace Street,” he said.
“We held our Cudgen Classic junior event there a few weeks ago. Although there is a lot more to set up with a state title, there is water, power and erecting a compound to consider.
“The final decision won’t be made until early January.”

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