Former GM’s gone golfing

Tweed Shire Council General Manager Mike Rayner has hung up his suit after six years in the top job and is heading to the nearest golf course.
Mr Rayner said he would be working on his golf handicap now he had retired from the Council.
As General Manager Mr Rayner has been responsible for overseeing a $221 million annual budget, 670 staff and Council assets worth more than $2.5 billion. His retirement draws to a close a 38-year professional career, which included 30 years at Tweed Shire Council.
More than 120 indoor Council staff farewelled Mr Rayner at a morning tea held in the Council foyer in Murwillumbah last week.
Council’s four Directors spoke of Mr Rayner’s innate leadership skills, his capacity for strategic thinking and impressive negotiation abilities. Most of all, they referred to his ‘passion’ and ‘compassion’ and his overriding concern for people, even when making the toughest of decisions.
Mr Rayner, 59, began at Tweed Council as a Water Engineer in 1982 when Clarrie Hall Dam was under construction. It was completed in 1983.
He progressed to the role of Director Engineering Services, which he held for 12 years.
During this period, the Tweed experienced strong population growth and to cater for this, Mr Rayner oversaw significant investment in capital works.
After a period as Acting General Manager, he was appointed to the role of General Manager in May 2006.
Mr Rayner gave six months’ notice of his retirement in November 2011, to give Council enough time to recruit a replacement before a new panel of Councillors is elected in September this year.
Tweed Mayor Councillor Barry Longland said Mr Rayner’s knowledge and experience in the Tweed was going to be difficult to replace.
“I certainly wish him well in his retirement on behalf of all the Councillors,” Councillor Longland said.
“I thank him for his professionalism and dedication and for the work he has done for the Shire.
“He is leaving this position with the Council administration in an excellent shape, as shown by Tweed Shire Council winning the 2011 AR Bluett Award, the most prestigious local government award in NSW and the highest accolade to which any council can aspire.
“Mike’s advice and support to Councillors was highly valued and his considerable knowledge and experience will be sorely missed by the elected body.
“For me personally, Mike has been of great assistance with the rough and tumble of the Mayoral office, providing wise counsel where necessary, while always maintaining his integrity as a model of public administration,” he said.
Mr Rayner will remain in the Tweed in retirement and is looking forward to enjoying more time with his wife Vicki and his grandchildren. He also plans to do more travelling and work on his golf handicap.
“Tweed Shire Council has provided for me 30 years of challenges, satisfaction and many friendships which will be ongoing,” Mr Rayner said.
“I could not have wished for a more fulfilling career and look forward to watching with confidence the continuing progress of the organisation.
“I’m very excited about the next stage of my life – life is short and it is always important to keep that in perspective,” he said.

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