First Chinderah Scout Group is gearing up to send nine of its high achieving youth members to the 23rd Australian Jamboree in January 2013 in Maryborough, Queensland. The cost is $1500 per scout, a tough ask for many parents. Any donations of support for this event would be greatly appreciated.
As Scout Groups are self funded, the group are holding a number of fundraising activities throughout the year in order to raise the funds for this once in a lifetime event.
The first major fundraiser is a Car Boot Sale to be held in the car park of Club Banora on Sunday, May 6, from 6.30am-11am. Interested parties are required to book their site by contacting Angie on 0439 679 864 or Sharon, after hours, on 0468 317 129.
Scout Leader, Sandy Pimm, who will also be attending the Jamboree, stated that “the Jamboree is a fabulous experience that teaches children a lot about themselves and is a wonderful learning experience”.
As well as preparing for the Jamboree, the group has also been kept busy at home with the renovation of their hall in Chinderah Road.
Sandy Pimm said the renovation work had come about through the generous funding of a State Government Grant and local Club Funding (CDSE).
“A huge thank you also goes out to local businesses who have donated their time, labour and materials into making this renovation work a reality,” she said.
“These include the many hours of work donated by ‘Planit Consulting’ and Josh Neale (Engineer) from ‘Westera Partners’ to formulate the plans, give approvals and satisfy council requirements, South Tweed Rotary, Don Neale and Family, Terry Everest – local Builder who gave guidance above and beyond any expectation, Hymix Concrete, Adrian Tough – Plumber, Graeme Stannard from ‘Tweed Heads Electrical’, Hutchinsons, Builders who have agreed to build an indoor Disability Toilet and Shower, local concreter Wayne Whelan, Idwall Richards (Manager of Solo Waste) who donated funds to install Roofing Iron, SEE Civil for Topsoil and rubble removal and Sandy Pimm, Tweed Council’s Environmental Consultant who is implementing a management plan for the grounds around the hall to comply with the environmental sustainability of the local wildlife.”
The First Chinderah Scout Group meet on a Monday from 5pm – 6pm for the Joey Section, (six-eight years), Tuesdays from 6.30pm-8.30pm for the Scout Section (11-15 years) and Wednesday evenings from 6.00pm – 7.30pm for the Cub Section (eight – 11 years) and are hoping to open a Venturer Unit (15-18 years) in the near future.
“The group can only run on the support of its parents and interested members of the community to volunteer to train as Leaders or be an active member of the Parent Support Committee,” Sandy said.
For enquiries contact Group Leader David Hutchinson on 07 5523 3874 or mobile 0417 784 374.
First Chinderah Scout Group is gearing up to send nine of its high achieving youth members to the 23rd Australian Jamboree in January 2013 in Maryborough, Queensland. The cost is $1500 per scout, a tough ask for many parents. Any donations of support for this event would be greatly appreciated.As Scout Groups are self funded, the group are holding a number of fundraising activities throughout the year in order to raise the funds for this once in a lifetime event. The first major fundraiser is a Car Boot Sale to be held in the car park of Club Banora on Sunday, May 6, from 6.30am-11am. Interested parties are required to book their site by contacting Angie on 0439 679 864 or Sharon, after hours, on 0468 317 129. Scout Leader, Sandy Pimm, who will also be attending the Jamboree, stated that “the Jamboree is a fabulous experience that teaches children a lot about themselves and is a wonderful learning experience”. As well as preparing for the Jamboree, the group has also been kept busy at home with the renovation of their hall in Chinderah Road.Sandy Pimm said the renovation work had come about through the generous funding of a State Government Grant and local Club Funding (CDSE). “A huge thank you also goes out to local businesses who have donated their time, labour and materials into making this renovation work a reality,” she said.“These include the many hours of work donated by ‘Planit Consulting’ and Josh Neale (Engineer) from ‘Westera Partners’ to formulate the plans, give approvals and satisfy council requirements, South Tweed Rotary, Don Neale and Family, Terry Everest – local Builder who gave guidance above and beyond any expectation, Hymix Concrete, Adrian Tough – Plumber, Graeme Stannard from ‘Tweed Heads Electrical’, Hutchinsons, Builders who have agreed to build an indoor Disability Toilet and Shower, local concreter Wayne Whelan, Idwall Richards (Manager of Solo Waste) who donated funds to install Roofing Iron, SEE Civil for Topsoil and rubble removal and Sandy Pimm, Tweed Council’s Environmental Consultant who is implementing a management plan for the grounds around the hall to comply with the environmental sustainability of the local wildlife.”The First Chinderah Scout Group meet on a Monday from 5pm – 6pm for the Joey Section, (six-eight years), Tuesdays from 6.30pm-8.30pm for the Scout Section (11-15 years) and Wednesday evenings from 6.00pm – 7.30pm for the Cub Section (eight – 11 years) and are hoping to open a Venturer Unit (15-18 years) in the near future. “The group can only run on the support of its parents and interested members of the community to volunteer to train as Leaders or be an active member of the Parent Support Committee,” Sandy said.For enquiries contact Group Leader David Hutchinson on 07 5523 3874 or mobile 0417 784 374.