Tony’s ‘Toxic Tax’

In a week that has seen a revolving door of Federal Coalition Ministers in the New England region, Leader of the Opposition Tony Abbott has spearheaded the infiltration into Independent territory with his ‘Toxic Tax’ message and has held Leader of the Nationals in the Senate and Senator for Queensland Barnaby Joyce’s hand all the way to his potential pre-selection for the seat of New England.
Mr Abbott arrived in Tamworth last Wednesday with Senator Barnaby Joyce and Nationals Senator for New South Wales John Williams to push his ‘Toxic Tax’ anti-Carbon Tax message to the New England. His first engagement was at Belmore Engineering in Tamworth followed by an invitation only Community Forum. On Thursday Mr Abbott and the Senators fronted a small business forum in Armidale before heading to the property ‘Terrible Vale’ in Kentucky to see the benefits of modern environmental farming practices.
“This is a fine example of the kind of good work that Australia’s farmers are doing for the environment,” said Mr Abbott.
“They’re planting more trees, they’re following more organic farming methods and, in so doing, they are not only producing better farmland, they’re also capturing carbon in their soils. This is exactly the kind of land care work that can be supported by the Green Army which is an important part of the Coalition’s environmental policy,” said Mr Abbott.
During the farm visit, Mr Abbott and the Senators were given a tour of the property and Senator John Williams, who himself has shorn a sheep or two, gave Mr Abbott a quick lesson in shearing.
During his visit Mr Abbott again took the opportunity to spread his “Toxic Tax’ message.
“Twice in the last 24 hours I’ve been at community forums to talk about the tax and, while my colleagues and I are still out and about arguing the case in the community, the Prime Minister is hiding in her office, refusing to talk to the Australian people,” said Mr Abbott.
“Not only did she not wear out the shoe leather, she didn’t even wear the shoes in. At the first sign of a blister, she’s back in her office hiding from the public because she knows that the more she talks about this tax, the less people like it.”
Mr Abbott concluded his visit by emphasising his commitment to and support of the New England and the potential coalition candidate at the next Federal Election.
“I intend to be in this area quite a lot between now and the next election. I’m looking forward to being here in support of the Coalition candidate at the next election and to continuing discussion with the people of New England because Tony Windsor could stop this tax if he wanted to,” said Mr Abbott.
“I am very confident that we will put up a very strong candidate. Barnaby Joyce grew up in this area, went to university at Armidale, has very strong roots in this area and I think that, if there’s one Coalition candidate who would love to take on Tony Windsor, it’s Barnaby.”

Story: Jo Harrison

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