Growing up green

Cabarita Beach/Bogangar has 800 new trees now in place, thanks to members of the local community.
More than 250 school students from the nearby Bogangar Public School joined with members of the Cabarita Beach Dunecare, Tweed Shire Council workers and other representatives of the local community for the planting.
The mass planting – at the popular and picturesque Norries Headland – took place as part of National Tree Day celebrations in the town.
It was the fourth year in a row that the community has come together to plant trees and try and preserve the local habitat.
“We had expected to be planting about 600 this time,” Cabarita Beach Dunecare Co-ordinator Ashley Baldry said.
“But Council provided more plants than we expected and we got some more from the Fingal Coast Care Group and the rest were purchased through sponsorship from the Cabarita Beach Sports Club.
“It’s a great example of everyone working together.
“We had council workers there digging all the holes for the trees, as well as support from the school and residents’ association.”
Ashley said that, over the four years, the community has now planted more than 3000 plants.
“Dune care is about more than just looking after the local environment, it is also about educating.”
All of the trees and shrubs planted are indigenous to the area and include everything from Swam Lillies and Isolepis Nodosa and Hibbertia Scandens to the Acacia Sophoae (Coastal Wattle to us non tree types).
Bogangar School captain Jaden Green-wood said the tree planting was something that the school com-munity looked forward to each year.
“I have been doing it for four years now and we learn how to plant the trees,” he said.
“Then we can go back and visit them. All the trees we have planted (over the years) are going well.”

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