Under threat

The Armidale Eisteddfod is under threat for 2012, with some members of the organising committee stepping down and no one coming forward to fill their shoes.
At the recent Annual General Meeting, the numbers were not there to form a committee and at this stage, if replacements cannot be found, there will be no Eisteddfod next year, said Jennifer Leske, one of the committee members stepping down.
“The executive committee have been thus for a number of years. I myself, the secretary, have recently started full-time work. With three children, that has to take priority, so I cannot commit like I have in the last six years,” Ms Leske said.
“The Treasurer has also changed in her work situation so she also cannot commit; and also the President.
“It is time to get new blood in.
“We are looking for new people for the executive committee and committee.
“It is a big event that runs for four weeks and is increasing in size by about 10 per cent every year. There are fewer people able to help organise the Eisteddfod, so we just require more people to help run it.”
The Armidale Eisteddfod has been running for nearly 30 years and has proven to be very popular in the region. This year’s Eisteddfod had over 1500 competitors and 300 events and is believed to be one of the most prestigious rural Eisteddfods outside of Sydney.
“A lot of the schools like PLC, TAS, NEGS and the public schools cite the Armidale Eisteddfod as part of their achievements. It is a big event and if it is not here, that platform is removed and will be sorely missed, I am sure,” said Ms Leske.
“First we need to form an executive committee and secondly we need to get the volunteers.”
Current President Inge Southcott believes the Eisteddfod plays a vital role in the Armidale community and many students, parents and schools benefit from it.
“It would be a tragedy to lose this wonderful Armidale institution next year,” Ms Southcott said..
“We have had a dedicated group of organisers who have worked hard to stage the event for several years but most can’t make the same commitment for 2012.
“It takes a lot of people to run the event which lasts approximately four weeks.
“We desperately need people to contribute as much or as little time as they can.
“This could mean helping to run a session or sessions at the Eisteddfod in May next year, to taking on roles on the Committee.
“We need people on the Committee to organise volunteers and sponsorship and to fill Treasurer and Secretary positions.”
There will be one more attempt to form a Committee on Thursday, October 20 in the NECOM Board Room at Old Teachers’ College starting at 7.30pm. Please contact Inge on 0431 479 008 to help out or for more information.
If a new Committee is not formed, there will be no Eisteddfod next year.

Story: Jo Harrison

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