Publican seeks to curb violence


Caption: New licensee of the New England Hotel Dan Rice pulls a pint in the newly refurbished restaurant that is already attracted a strong clientele.

THE New England Hotel has been included on the state’s most violent venues list with 12 incidents reported, according to the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) data for 2012.
From June 1, 2013 the hotel will be classified as a level 2 premises and face restrictions, however new licensee Dan Rice says he has already put in place tough measures to curb alcohol-related violence and anti-social behavior since he took over management last year.
Restriction for level 2 premises will see the club cease alcohol service 30 minutes before closing and provide alcohol time-outs or the provision of free water and food for 10 minutes every hour after midnight. No glass or breakable containers may be used after midnight and the hotel is required to maintain a incident register whenever trading.
Minister for Hospitality George Souris said the NSW government has made fighting alcohol-fuelled violence a priority.
“We’ve introduced tough new measures like the Three Strikes disciplinary scheme which can result in licence suspensions or cancellation for serial offenders, increased police powers to deal with drunks and established a trial of sobering-up centres,” Mr Souris said.
“We’re also trying to change people’s behaviour through positive measures by launching an internet-based resource to minimise alcohol-related harm among young people by educating them about the impacts.”
According to Mr Rice, extensive renovations and improvements to the New England Hotel have already resulted in a marked improvement in clientele.
“The hotel was really let go since the previous owner died in 2003,” Mr Rice said.
“Many of the issues that have seen the hotel included on the list were prior to my management but it is something that we have to face up to and deal with.
“We have a strong relationship with local police and most of the incidents involve disputes between couples or events associated with the venue before and after visiting the hotel.”
Mr Rice said that most of the incidents occured on Saturday nights which is the busiest night of trading. The hotel closes at midnight, except on Saturday night when last drinks are at 2.30am before a 3am close. After 12.30am a security lockout is in force.
“The strong focus we are putting on food and beverage is already is already starting to see a strong clientele base,” Mr Rice said.
“People are starting to love the place again.”
A total of 16 venues are on the latest violence list for New South Wales, two less than the previous list published in November.
Only one venue, th Ivy in Sydney, recorded 19 or more violent incidents in 2012 and will have to abide by Level 1 operating restrictions for the next six months. This compares with four venues on the previous list.
Fifteen other venues recorded between 12 and 18 violent incidents in 2012 to be classified as Level 2 premises.

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