Meditation Circle gets smiles all round

Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre (PBNC) is offering women in the community a unique experience to take time out for themselves to relax and rejuvenate at the centre’s Women’s Circle meditation group.

Michelle O’Brien, the group’s facilitator, founded the group from her desire to see women supporting women in the community.

“It doesn’t matter if you have never meditated before,” said Michelle.

“Because the session is guided, you just relax, allowing yourself to follow direction and enjoy the experience and the benefits. It is also a wonderful opportunity to meet new people, with the view to forming friendships.”

Michelle has had a deep interest in meditation for many years and runs groups regularly.

She said the value and benefits of regular practise are life changing, greatly reducing stress and anxiety levels. Michelle uses meditation in her own life as a tool for relaxation. She writes her own meditations and uses a different theme and focus for each group she runs.

Meditation is best received in a comfortable position, so lying down is encouraged. If you would like to lie down, the floor is carpeted, but you will need to bring yoga mats, cushions and blankets for comfort. Chairs are available if you prefer to be seated.

The group meets every second and fourth Monday of each month in the Sandbar Room at Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre from 1pm till 2.30pm to be guided through a meditation session.

The meditation runs from half an hour to an hour.

The sessions for February will be held on Mondays, February 11 and 25.

The cost of the session is a gold coin donation.

Tea and coffee are provided, and participants are asked to bring a savoury or sweet to share for afternoon tea, with some social time afterwards.

For further information, call Michelle 0439 064 813 or Lily (Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre) on 02 66 76 4555.

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