Roadshow highlights importance of farmers

Visitors to the Armidale Show were given the opportunity to understand the vital role Australian farmers play in shaping the future of our nation with the Australian Year of the Farmer Roadshow interactive display showcased during the two day event.
The display highlighted the importance of farmers through production of the highest quality produce, innovation in farming techniques, and delivering sustainability through best practice management of their environment.
Armidale Chartered Accountants, Smith, Sharpe and Abbott have been supporters of the Australian Year of the Farmer initiative since its early inception.
“I am a chair on the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW and at one of our meetings we discussed how we could celebrate the great achievements of Australian Farmers,” Smith, Sharpe and Abbott’s Grahame Sharpe said.
“From there the idea started.”
Chartered Accountants Smith, Sharpe and Abbott helped get the Australian Year of the Farmer initiative off the ground providing financial services and guidance throughout the development phase.
“Our business firmly believes in the concept of the Australian Year of the Farmer and the need to celebrate the great achievement of our Australian farmers, said Mr Sharpe.
“We recognise the need to educate the people about food sustainability, food security, the facts about the dwindling amount of usable agricultural lands, the growing populations and how we are going to feed these populations moving forward.
“This is something that Smith, Sharpe and Abbott believe passionately about, so we are very happy to be involved in moving the Australian Year of the Farmer forward and particularly in educating our young people.”
The Australian Year of the Farmer 2012 is a year-long celebration which aims to enrich the connections between rural and urban Australians.
During 2012, nine exhibition vehicles are travelling 56,000 kilometres to attend more than 300 events throughout Australia.

Story: Jo Harrison

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