Seeds of support

The Armidale Urban Rivercare Group (AURG) is hosting National Tree Day on Sunday, September 11, 2011.
The planting will take place on Dumaresq Creek, near Norths’ Soccer fields. The site can be accessed from Erskine St, and signage will be up on the day. River she-oaks (Casuarina cunninghamiana) will be planted as part of the HiCUB (High Country Urban Biodiversity) Project Dumaresq Creek showcase plantings to display local native species.
“The more volunteers who can get involved, the better,” Alice Devlin from Southern New England Landcare said.
“The Rivercare Group is always welcoming new members and National Tree Day is a great opportunity to get a taste for what the group do.”
The AURG is also supported this year by the HiCUB Project, which will be supplying the trees on the day.
Volunteers are encouraged to get down to the site from 9am for a quick demonstration of planting techniques. The day will wrap up by about 1pm and will include morning tea and a BBQ lunch for a gold coin donation.
Further information and registration for the day is available on the Planet Ark website at, or by contacting Southern New England Landcare on (02) 6772 9123.
The generous support of the NSW Environmental Trust and Armidale Dumaresq Council is gratefully acknowledged.

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