$10m pledge for hospital redevelopment

Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner, NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner and Member for Northern Tablelands Richard Torbay discuss the NSW Government’s pledge of $10M for the Armidale Hospital redevelopment, outside Armidale Hospital on Monday.

NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner has pledged $10M towards the redevelopment of Armidale Hospital in a political manoeuvre that will put pressure on the Federal Government to cough up the rest of the proposed $50M price tag.
In a press conference held on Monday morning in Armidale with Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner and Member for Northern Tablelands Richard Torbay, the Health Minister announced that they would be putting $10M on the table for the redevelopment of Armidale Hospital, contingent on the Federal Government coming up with the rest of the money. She also announced that the NSW Government has found the money to fund the extra floor for the ambulatory care block.
In what many have perceived as a complete back-flip on behalf of Jillian Skinner who has been on record as recently as October 12 on Prime7 News to have stated; “We had limited time to put submissions together and we had many priorities, as we still do, I have to say, across the State, and Armidale was not one of them.’
However, during Monday’s press conference, the Health Minister denied that she had changed her mind, stressing that Armidale has always been a priority of Hunter New England Local Health District, along with other priorities in NSW.
“I can assure everyone that I have said in many interviews that this is a top priority for the Hunter New England Local Health District and we would make an announcement when the time was right and contingent upon the Commonwealth coming to the party,” said Jillian Skinner.
“We are trying to force the Federal Government to come to the party; it’s their obligation.”
Member for Northern Tablelands Richard Torbay’s focus has always been to keep focus on the redevelopment of Armidale Hospital and he is excited about the $10M pledge from the NSW government.
“I am delighted to see today that the minister and the Deputy Premier have put $10M as a firm commitment on the table and we will be making sure that the Commonwealth make their contribution to this and get this redevelopment underway,” said Mr Torbay.
“There has been far too much argy-bargy and politics. We have had a lot of support from stakeholders, including the Health Alliance, Hunter New England Area health Service, UNE and of course Medicare Local. The signed 11,000 signatures to get this development underway, the Minister for Health said yes; I will come up and visit Armidale; I do understand the community’s need and she has proven that today.”
Mr Torbay has also written to Federal Health Minister Tanya Plibersek asking the Commonwealth to commit the remaining funds to the staged upgrade in the next federal budget.
Independent Member for New England, Tony Windsor, has welcomed the NSW Government’s re-commitment to the much needed redevelopment and in doing so he believes that the NSW Government has admitted guilt that they had blocked the Armidale Hospital application to Round 4 of the Federal Health and Hospital Fund.
“The documents I received under my ‘Freedom of Information’ request show clearly the refusal of the NSW Government to lodge the Armidale Hospital redevelopment application, despite Hunter New England Area Health having it as their only priority,” said Mr Windsor.
“We now see the NSW Government re-committing to fund $10M towards the project — a commitment of the previous State Labor Government that the new Coalition Government withdrew – as the heat in the community was rising about why the application wasn’t even submitted.
“I expect now for the Coalition at the Federal level to promise, prior to the election next year, to fund the rest of the money needed to redevelop the Armidale Hospital.”

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