Lending a hand to those in need

Newcastle Permanent is committed to supporting a range of worthy community based initiatives and the Salvation Army Christmas appeal is one such initiative. The branch in Armidale will collect non-perishable food items and gifts.
Each year, the Salvation Army helps thousands of families in need. This Christmas, the Salvation Army anticipates distributing 250,000 toys and 150,000 food vouchers/hampers. Donations of new toys, gifts and appropriate food items through the Christmas Appeal are vital in helping achieve this goal.
Please donate:

  • Suitable non perishable food items: tins of ham, salmon, tuna, cans of vegetables, plum puddings, Christmas cakes, tins of fruit, packets of jelly, custard (powder), bottles of soft drink, packets or tins of biscuits, nuts, lollies, chocolates or other snacks, tea and coffee.
  • Suitable gifts: newly purchased toys, clothing, CDs, books, beauty products, toiletry items and home wares.

The collection will run until Thursday, December 22.


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