Buckle up in buses

THE $208 million project to install seatbelts in NSW rural and regional buses will ensure the safety of students across the Northern Tablelands.

Operations manager for Edwards Coaches in Armidale, James Cross, has applauded the decision which he believes is a great reform and something parents have been requesting for a long time.
“Parents having been asking for this for safety measure for a long time and they will be very happy that the decision has been made,” Mr Cross said.
“It also will encourage parents to make the choice to send their children to school on a bus rather than drive them, which we believe is a safer alternative.”
Member for Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall said the program would be rolled out over a 10-year period and would impact on more than 150 bus routes in the region
“The seatbelts will be fitted on the ‘Contract A’ buses that service the country routes and will be the inertia-reel lap-sash style which crosses the lap and body, rather than straight lap belt,” Mr Marshall said.
Mr Marshall, who was on the Independent Advisory Committee’s Inquiry panel, has said the recommendation of phasing out standing up in buses should be introduced immediately.
“Prohibiting students from standing on buses will further improve their safety and allow bus drivers to concentrate fully on their job,” Mr Marshall said.
Media spokesperson for the NSW Parents and Citizens Federation, Rachael Sowden, said she was happy with the time frame of 10 years as it was “designed to be fiscally responsible.”
“This is a significant change, change that needed to happen,” Ms Sowden said.
“Children under seven are not allowed to travel in a car without a booster seat, so this brings buses in line with the community’s safety expectations that children should wear seatbelts.”

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