Free DIY investment seminars

TO many people, the share market is a prohibitively complex thing.
Yet, upcoming seminars in Armidale and Tamworth will show that individuals can learn what it takes to control their own financial investments.
Declining interest rates may bring joy to mortgage holders but to self-funded retirees with undiversified nest-eggs, they bring diminished funds, frustration and uncertainty.
The Free Sharemarket College briefing seminars will show locals that they can manage their own share market investments without taking high-stakes risks.
Director of Brisbane-based, The Sharemarket College, Graeme Rogers said the seminars will also seek to outline how share market know-how can financially empower individuals.
The free seminars will run from 5.30pm-7.30pm, next Tuesday 13 August, at the Armidale Ex-Services Club and on Wednesday 14 August, at the West Tamworth Leagues Club in Phillip Street.
Mr Rogers will explain what share market know-how can mean to self-managed superannuation.
“Getting educated can see people gain a much more effective return each year,” he said.
“A 40-year-old can have about $70,000 (on average) in super. By managing your own super through a diversified portfolio, using smart strategies and risk management that sum may turn into in excess of $12 million by retirement age.”
Armidale-based regional development consultant, Kim-Trieste Hastings has helped to attract and facilitate these free share market briefings to the region.
“These seminars represent great opportunities for local residents. This is a major finance education provider coming to our region, offering locals valuable insights,” she said.
“It’s a top return for an investment of just two hours of their time. I encourage people of all ages to book their place as soon as possible.”
Anyone wishing to register for these seminars should call 1300 30 90 40 or visit

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