NSW Member for Tweed and Parliamentary Secretary for Police and Emergency Services, Geoff Provest, has joined Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Commissioner Greg Mullins to officially open the Banora Point Fire Station.
“The station has undergone a major $637,000 renovation which brings the building up to modern standards, with a bigger fire engine bay, better facilities for firefighters and improved storage,” Mr Provest said.
“The improved facilities will provide a bigger and better base for the 15 retained firefighters who protect the Banora Point community from fires and other emergencies.
“The NSW Government is committed to providing our firefighters with the best possible equipment and amenities so they can get on with the job they do best,” Mr Provest said.
Commissioner Mullins said the upgrade included the addition of an adjoining unit to better accommodate the firefighters and firefighting equipment, male and female facilities, and an outdoor training and exercise area.
“There are new kitchen and bathroom facilities, improved personal protective equipment storage, and both indoor and outdoor training facilities to keep firefighters at their peak,” Commissioner Mullins said.
“During the two-month construction phase, Banora firefighters continued to serve the community and I thank them for their patience during that period.”
During the event, Commissioner Mullins also presented special service citations for firefighters Tony Gillespie and Andrew Stalker for their efforts during the Queensland floods and cyclone in 2011.
“Banora Point firefighters responded to more than 427 fire and emergency incidents and undertook nearly 220 community safety, education and engagement activities in 2010/11, including the floods and Cyclone Yasi,” Commissioner Mullins said.
“This enhancement of their facilities will boost their capabilities, keeping this community and many more, safe and protected from fires and other emergencies,” Commissioner Mullins concluded.