Kingscliff this week lost one of its greats, with the passing of long-time RSL head Joe Peoples.
“Joe Peoples’ name has been synonymous with Returned Servicemen’s League activities since he moved to the local community in 1981,” current Kingscliff RSL sub branch vice president Brian Vickery said.
“He, with limited assistance, resurrected an old RSL Hall in Kingscliff and rejuvenated the veteran and public attitude towards Anzac Day and Remembrance Day from that day until his retirement as President of the Kingscliff Sub Branch in 2006. Joe almost singlehandedly organized and conducted these major events.
“Joe and his wife Valerie encouraged a stronger Women’s Auxiliary within the Sub Branch and worked tirelessly to ensure that they remained strong and, above all, financially viable.
“He assisted by picking up elderly ladies to attend monthly bingo, delivering the food for afternoon tea and calling the bingo numbers.
“He was active in Legacy, Rotary and a constant attendee at VIEW Club meetings. He always made himself available at schools for discussions with the students prior to Anzac Day and Remembrance Day and in 2007 featured in a short film which encouraged the use of school children in its production.
“Each year Joe was invited to attend the Presentation Night of the Brunswick Surf Life Saving Club as one of its foundation members.”
Born on June 1, 1924, Joe joined the Royal Australian Navy on September 1, 1942, was a WWII veteran and was discharged on February 18 1946, continuing on as reserve until 1963 when he then joined the Army Reserve until 1979.
He had served with the 9th Field Ambulance and the 42nd Royal Queensland Regiment.
Joe married his wife and partner Valerie in 1952 and they had four children.
He joined the RSL in 1947 and has been involved with six Sub Branches in QLD and NSW before coming to Kingscliff and was President from 1984 to 2006.
He was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list on June 8, 2009 and his other medals include 1939/45 Star, Pacific Star, 1939/45 War Medal, Australian Service Medal, Defence Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Volunteer Defence Corps, Police Long Service Medal, General Service Medal, Long Service Medal/Navy/Reserve.
As well as his defence force service, Joe served as a police officer for 30 years.
He is survived by his children and their partners, Michael, Paul and Bernadette, Anne and Cathleen and grandchildren and great-grandchildren and all of us who have attended Joe’s Anzac Day services in Kingscliff.
Joe’s funeral will be held at St Anthony’s Catholic Church, Pearl Street on Friday, August 10, at 11.30am.