AHS students excel at Worldskills

The annual Regional Worldskills finals for Vocational Education students in Primary Industries, Construction and Hospitality were held this year at Narrabri and Moree. Students from Armidale High School were successful in each section.
Holly Andrews and Sam Foster gained a great respect for chefs who daily cope with the strict time constraints they are faced with, in preparing four servings of a three-course meal. The mutually supportive approach the two students were able to bring to the task was greatly appreciated as was the opportunity to represent the school at this level.
Hugh Reeves and Patrick Killen had to plan and construct a saw stool. The competition consisted of job safety analysis, work method statement and timber order. They had seven hours to construct the project following OHS procedures and policies. The students found the challenge a great experience.
Following in the footsteps of her brothers, Primary Industry Gold medallist, Lucinda Yeoman, appreciated the relaxed environment at the Moree Agricultural Skills Centre. Her competitive day began with an Occupational Health and Safety Inspection and risk assessment of the workplace, later proceeding to tree cultivation, fencing and first aid.  Lucinda now has the opportunity to compete in the State competition.
Mrs Kim Morgan, Head Teacher of Technology and Applied Science at Armidale High School, commented that it was gratifying to see students continue to achieve so highly in this competition. “The students are certainly to be commended as are their teachers in developing their skills to such a level of competence,” she said.

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