Community spirit in spades

A largely forgotten space behind the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) is about to begin a transformation into a vibrant community garden, bringing new life to some long disused tennis courts.
It is hoped that this area will eventually develop into a Cultural and Sustainability Precinct, with the community garden as a key component. The HiCUB team is rehabilitating the creekland area behind NERAM, and this work is already well underway.
The aim of the garden is to become an area to learn about growing food, get your hands dirty, meet other people and enjoy a beautiful space. At this early stage, willing helpers are being called upon to clear some ground, build pumpkin mounds and prepare two planting beds before any more of the spring slips away.
A working bee is planned for the afternoon of Sunday November 13 from 2pm. Those interested are asked to bring either a spade or a garden fork, a wheelbarrow if possible, and large buckets if they have them, along with gloves, hats and water. Access will be via the gate in Taylor St that leads into Moran Oval.
Local group Sustainable Living Armidale (SLA) is leading the project in its early stages, with enthusiastic support from Armidale Dumaresq Council, which has already done much to help get the project up and running.
“The community garden can become a wonderful asset to Armidale in so many different ways,” said Jo Leoni of SLA.
“Not only will the garden produce lots of fresh, healthy food that hasn’t been sprayed with chemicals or travelled hundreds of kilometres to get here, but it can be a place where people of all ages can learn all about growing food for themselves.”
Anyone wishing to get involved can contact Jo Leoni on or Robert Gasparre on

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