On the road

Kingscliff RSL Sub Branch is on the road, thanks to a NSW State Government grant.
The grant has allowed the RSL branch to buy a new bus to use around the region.
President Don Riley said the new bus, is fitted with facilities for two wheelchairs and will allow the sub branch to ferry legacy ladies, their own members, war widows and the Tweedlesea seniors day club.
Mr Riley thanked State Member for Tweed Geoff Provest for his support with the project.
Mr Provest said the bus was one of 23 projects around the Tweed that found funding this time, including the Kingscliff Swimming Club’s club house and the refurbishment to the Chinderah Scout hall.  Applications are still open for the next round of funding.
The new bus will also mean the end of the annual Vietnam Veterans’ Day ceremony in Kingscliff. Mr Riley and the committee said the ceremony, which attracts very small crowds, had been started to cater for members who did not want to or couldn’t drive up to the main service in South Tweed for various reasons.
With the acquisition of the new bus, the sub branch will no longer have to run their own separate Vietnam Veterans’ ceremony. The group will now join in with the main commemoration at South Tweed Heads each year.

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