It’s a Valley institution and, now in its 104th year, the popular Tyal-gum Diggers Sports Day will be held on Saturday, October 20 at Tyalgum Showgrounds from 10am to 10pm (NSW).
Recognising that some families are struggling with the tough economic times, the Committee has decided not to charge an entry fee, so everyone can attend a great community activity.
Diggers Day has been cancelled for the past two years due to the wet weather, but the new Committee has put together a fun program for all to enjoy.
Beginning with a large and varied local market which will also include a display from the Tyalgum Artists Co-op, the packed program promises to get everyone involved. The kids’ fun and games program will start with a baby animal farm and egg-catching, apple bobbing, footy goal kicking, face painting and skirmish.
The Little Cowboy and Cowgirl com-petition promises to be a highlight, as will the now famous Tyalgum Gift foot race. With displays of horse shoeing, sheep shearing, whip cracking, wood-chopping and post splitting and cow milking, the country flavour of picturesque Tyalgum will be well and truly to the fore.
Demonstrations from the Tyalgum Rural Fire Brigade, St John Ambulance and the local Hapkido/Taekwondo Club, together with antique vehicles from Tweed Valley Restorers Club, add another dimension to the day.
Of course the adults are being well catered for, with the traditional tug-of-war competition for both men and women attracting a large number of teams from far and wide. Golfers will get their chance to show their skills with a closest-to-the-pin challenge.
Horseshoe and gumboot throwing will be interspersed with the new dog lotto game and wheelbarrow races.
Varied tastes in food and drink will be catered for by an experienced team from the local community, with sit-down or takeaway meals available all day.
With a variety of music provided during the afternoon, the real show kicks off at 6pm with the iconic favourites Innocent Bystanders promising to have everyone dancing the night away. This is a band with a large following that never fails to impress a crowd.
A range of drinks will be available from the ever popular Diggers Bar where old and new friends can meet and enjoy great fun and great surroundings.