Thomas takes out major award

Kingscliff TAFE Diploma of massage student Christian Thomas is the 2012 Award of Excellence – Student of the Year announced at theTweed Campuses Awards of Excellence last week.
The event was held at Twin Towns and was attended by more than 350 students, their families, friends and employers as well as senior officials from the Department of Education and Training, industry supporters and State and Local government representatives.
The Awards of Excellence are an opportunity for Kingscliff and Murwillumbah TAFE campuses to showcase their most deserving students, who have achieved excellence through hard work and perseverance.
The awards ceremony included 26 section awards, six faculties, five category and one award for overall student of the year.
Each student, award winner or not, has a personal success story – gaining skills for a first job, enhancing career prospects, changing jobs or returning to education. Some students overcome significant challenges in order to achieve their goals.
Christian was awarded the top award for his “rare ability to excel across all areas of study achieving an average of over 90 per cent in each area”.
He organised independent study sessions with his fellow students and assisted many of them to achieve competency by working one on one with them on the week ends
Christian also completed a statement in Employment, education and training whilst studying his diploma to assist with academic writing skills. He also completed a certificate III and certificate IV in Fitness to further his knowledge
He is now currently studying at university.

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