Huge business advantage for Armidale with NBN

The Breakfast Seminar in action.

Over 30 savvy business owners attended the first of the Digital Enterprise Program Breakfast Series seminars last Wednesday to glean what they could from National Broadband Network (NBN) expert Sam Austrin-Miner.
Mr Austrin-Miner’s message to his audience was clear, warning small business owners not to underestimate the huge competitive advantage Armidale has in being the first Australian city to access the NBN.
“If you don’t get going now,” said Mr Austrin-Miner, “someone else will get going and you will lose the market share. It is a very competitive world, for retail in particular. I want to encourage retailers not to be afraid of the internet and to get some advice on it. But do it now because, in a few moments, the window will close and then another regional city will be the next fully fibred city.”
The keynote speech was warmly received by all members of the audience, with some commenting on their surprise that more businesses were not in attendance to capitalise on the considerable knowledge and expertise Mr Austrin-Miner had to offer.
Patrons at the breakfast included a table of TAFE employees, Moira and Peter Lloyd from local travel experts Quadrant Australia and professionals from Forsyths and Community Mutual Group. Once the hot breakfast and speeches concluded, many stayed on to share their thoughts and network with like-minded business owners.
The Ex-Services Club did an outstanding job ensuring that the morning ran seamlessly and on schedule.
The Digital Breakfast Series runs each Wednesday morning (with a brief hiatus over school holidays) and speakers include local and national experts. Cost is $20 for breakfast. Please contact Elizabeth Egan or Millie Schmidt at the Armidale Business Chamber on 6771 1177 or for a full program of speakers.

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