Child hit by car

In after-school traffic, around 3.30pm (Thursday, June 7, 2012), emergency services were called to an incident in front of the Drummond Memorial Primary School on Rusden Street, west Armidale. While details are sketchy at this point, witnesses have stated that a young child ran out in front of an east-bound one-tonner. According to witnesses, the child was not struck down while on the pedestrian crossing.
Armidale Ambulance Paramedics conveyed the child to Armidale Hospital in a critical condition. Police cordoned off Rusden Street for a block east from Niagara Street. Their investigation was immediately underway. It is understood that there were quite a number of witnesses to the distressing scene.
The Westpac Rescue Helicopter landed at Armidale Hospital at around 5.10pm, to transfer the child to John Hunter Hospital.

Story: Gary Fry

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