Highest honour for local boy

Former Armidale man Peter Yeomans has been awarded the country’s highest honour for a serving Police Officer, receiving the Australian Police Medal from NSW Governor Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO at an awards ceremony in Sydney last month.
One of eight recipients of the medal from NSW, Detective Inspector Peter Yeomans was recognised for his dedication and commitment in leading many successful high-profile and sensitive investigations involving child sex offences. He has previously been awarded two Commissioner’s Commendations for his outstanding qualities displayed during these investigations.
Born in Armidale, Peter attended St Mary’s School and later De La Salle College which became O’Connor Catholic College during his high school years.
“I finished school in 1978 and joined the Police Force in 1980 and it was always something that I wanted to do,” said Peter.
“I have spent most of my career in Criminal Investigation as a detective, mostly in and around Sydney.”
Peter spent 10 years in the Sex Crime Squad and is currently at the Child Abuse Squad, State Crime Command.
“I was humbled to receive such a prestigious award,” said Peter.
“I received the award in relation to criminal investigations into child protection, child sexual assault and adult sexual assault.
“It is something that doesn’t get reported very much, and is a bit of a taboo subject.
“This award vindicates the work of not just myself but colleagues that I have worked with and continue to work with in a field that is extremely difficult and heart wrenching, however it is work that needs to be done.”
Peter enjoyed growing up in Armidale and visits the region whenever he gets a chance.
“I found Armidale a great place to grow up and I have a lot of good friends in Armidale and some family still there,” said Peter.
Peter believes that his connection to Armidale and growing up in regional Australia gives him another perspective to draw on in his working life.
“You have a greater understanding of what is going on outside of the metro area and that there is a whole other world outside of the city,” said Peter.

Story: Jo Harrison

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