Stitches in time for winter


Caption: Back: QPNE members Robyn Wood and Lois Dennes present quilts to residents. Front: Verna Harper, Betty Jenkins and Activities Officer Coral Thrift.

ANOTHER batch of beautiful handmade quilts have been donated to Ken Thompson Lodge in Armidale by members of the Quilters and Patchworkers of New England (QPNE).
Robyn Wood and Lois Dennes presented the quilts last week to grateful residents.
All the quilts are painstakingly made by members of the QPNE.
Ken Thompson Lodge activities officer, Coral Thrift says the quilts made a welcome edition in the lounge keeping residents warm while watching television or reading a book.
“The quilts really brighten up the lounge room,” Ms Thrift said.
“Many hours and lots of hard work are put in to each quilt.”
This is the second year that QPNE members have donated quilts to Ken Thompson Lodge with 16 presented last year and a further eight last week.
“This is an ongoing project for our group to keep doing these knee quilts for the residents,” member Robyn Wood said.
“This is our way of giving back to the Armidale community.”

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