Smart Home now under construction

The Broadband Smart Home, located in Queen Elizabeth Drive will demonstrate many of the real-world applications of the NBN, including home automation, remote health monitoring, video-conferencing, rehabilitation, education, remote business, sensor monitoring and environmental sustainability. The project is well underway and is expected to be open to the public in June 2012.
In the coming months, the facility will be open to members of the public to see and learn about the NBN, including workshops and live-demonstrations. Regional Development Australia Northern Inland (RDANI) Executive Officer, Nathan Axelsson, said the house will provide hands-on, functioning displays of NBN relevant installations in a home suitable for a typical family of four.
“The NBN is a game-changer for regional Australia and Armidale has first-mover advantage over the rest of the country to demonstrate how the NBN will improve the way we live, work and play.”
Federal Member for New England, Tony Windsor said the project will serve as a platform to demonstrate how the NBN will enable innovation in regional areas.
“Initiatives like the Armidale Broadband Smart Home that physically demonstrate the applications of the NBN around the home are critical to understanding the positive impacts of this nation-building infrastructure,” said Mr Windsor
As well as the general public, the house will also be used by local TAFE and University students to trial and demonstrate various cutting-edge projects across a range of areas. The house is already being used by NBN Co and Retail Service Providers to trial and deploy NBN-related equipment and services.
The Armidale Broadband Smart Home has already attracted in excess of $50,000 in funding and significant interest from a wide range of groups who are committed to ensuring the success of the project.

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