Annual fete raises funds for medical equipment

Members of the United Hospital Auxiliaries of New South Wales Armidale Branch, Ruth Mullen and Lyn Munday, sell delicious homemade cakes at the fete.

The United Hospital Auxiliaries of New South Wales Armidale Branch held their annual fete on the grounds of the Armidale Hospital on Saturday. A steady crowd gathered throughout the day, despite the gloomy weather. Entertainment was provided by the Armidale City Band and the Armidale Pipe Band, with a sausage sizzle by the Armidale Lions Club and a ham raffle from the Rotarians.
President of the Armidale Branch of The United Hospital Auxiliaries of New South Wales, Judy McGuire, was pleased with the support they received from the Armidale community.
“The weather hasn’t been great, but we have still had a reasonable turnout here today,” said Judy.
“The money raised today goes towards the purchase of specialist equipment for the Armidale Hospital. We have a wish list system and we buy what we can afford.”
Not only does money raised by the Auxiliary ladies go towards specialist medical equipment, but they also give gifts to mothers in hospital on Mother’s Day, Christmas gifts and also provide lunches and mornings teas to the Look Good Feel Good Cancer Support Group.
The Armidale branch currently has 58 members and was established in 1967. The branch encourages and welcomes new members. Anyone interested in joining can contact Judy McGuire on 6771 1237.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed the volunteer work I do with the United Hospital Auxiliaries and it has been a very rewarding part of my life for the last 16 years,” said Judy.

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