Tweed celebrates cultural diversity

Tweed Public School  held  their NAIDOC day ceremony and Multi-cultural Day on Wednesday, June 29. It had been planned to be a triple-header, with  Jump Rope for Heart scheduled for the same day, but that was cancelled due to the weather.
The day kicked off with an assembly in the hall to mark NAIDOC day – this was run by the school captains and some of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander senior students, who did a fantastic job.
The action then moved into classrooms in small peer groups (K-6 students all mixed together) to tour the countries that the classes had been studying during Term 2.
Each student was given a passport and had to collect and glue in stamps as they travelled to each country (classroom).
Both Kindergarten classes studied Australia, IF looked at Japan, 2/1W China, 3/2C Brazil, 4/3S Mexico, 5/4M India, 6/5M Bali and 6C Egypt.
All classes looked fantastic but the highlight for most was 6C as they had to enter via a tunnel (tables that had been covered) and looked inside with torches (like a real mummy tomb). The students and teachers also got into the spirit by dressing up on the day too.

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