Mayor snubbed

Nationals candidate for the Northern Tablelands by-election Adam Marshall (left) and NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell (centre) talk with Armidale Mayor Jim Maher over his exclusion from a scheduled mayor’s meeting.



ARMIDALE Mayor Jim Maher is livid after being excluded by NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell from a meeting with the region’s mayors during his visit to Armidale on Tuesday.
The Premier said that it would be difficult, in the context of the meeting, that one of the mayors was a candidate in the up-coming by-election.
During Premier O’Farrell’s scheduled walk through in the Armidale mall, a furious Cr Maher demanded an explanation.
“I was very unhappy with his response,” Cr Maher said.
“I asked him why the Mayor of Armidale, the biggest city in the electorate, wasn’t invited to a meeting of mayors. His response – that I chose to be a candidate therefore I was excluded and that he would speak to me later on by myself – I find appalling.
“I am the mayor. I am an ethical man and I would not use the mayoral position to criticise the Premier or his policies in any way.”
Last week Cr Maher suffered a similar incident when NSW Treasurer Bruce Baird came to town and met with the mayors. He only found out about the meeting when he was asked by the Guyra Mayor why he hadn’t attended.
“What meeting?” asked Cr Maher.
“I find it a slight on the office of the mayor. I am still the mayor and our city deserves to have the leading citizen meet with the Premier in an official capacity to discuss issues of importance.”
The Premier also met with a small contingent of protestors from the nurses’ union over nurse ratios and a wage dispute.
“I have had discussions with nurse reps about their issues and currently before the Department of Health is a new wage agreement being negotiated,” said Mr O’Farrell.
“We are trying to ensure that we bridge the gulf between the sorts of care that has been available in regional areas as opposed to city areas.”
During his visit, Premier O’Farrell announced the NSW Government had committed $1.3 million to help Guyra Shire Council complete a vital upgrade of the Guyra-Ebor Road – also called Main Road 135.
“The Guyra-Ebor Road is a crucial piece of infrastructure in the Northern Tablelands – linking the New England Highway at Guyra to Waterfall Way at Ebor,” Mr O’Farrell said.
“Guyra Council has already begun upgrading the road, but to complete the final 3.8 kilometre stretch the council approached the NSW Government for $1.3 million of funding in 2015/16.
“The NSW Liberals and Nationals Government agreed to provide the required funds because we recognise the strategic importance of the Guyra-Ebor Road not just to the Northern Tablelands, but to the entire North West region of country NSW.”

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