Surprise in the mail

Uralla Medical Practice receptionist Wendy Streeting accepts a pleasant Mother’s Day surprise from Uralla CBD mail-lady, Gloria McMillan. Picture: BARRY BLAIR



BAGS of chocolates and a small arrangement of flowers were a welcome surprise with the morning mail in Uralla CBD on Friday.
Gloria McMillan has delivered mail in Uralla for the past 16 years and to make Mother’s Day different; for the past 16 years she has brightened the hearts of many a mother on her weekday mail run.
“I do it because people not only like what I do, but I enjoy it immensely,” Gloria McMillan said.
The idea came to Gloria during a 32 year stint as a Brownie Leader.
With a cheery word for everyone, Gloria interacts with locals and visitors alike.
“Visitors often say they wish someone in their town had the guts and gumption to do something similar.”
“I not only do the job, but finish it as well.”
Gloria was easily located on Bridge Street on Friday morning for she was the only female dressed in a party outfit, carrying a parasol.
Never short of something to wear, Gloria has over 40 outfits to choose from in her burgeoning wardrobe.
“I’ll wear as many as 16 different dress styles as a lead-up to Christmas.”
“Then there’s Easter, Anzac Day, Mother’s Day, Halloween, and Melbourne Cup, to name but a few.”
“Some people say I’m mad (I know it!) but when I see people getting enjoyment from what I do, it gives me great joy.”
Joy was unheard of when Gloria was a young girl, for she spent a number of her formative years in an orphanage.
“I’m sure making up for it now,” she said.
One of life’s real characters, Gloria is due to retire at the end of June and Uralla locals and locals are wondering what she will do with no mail to deliver.

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