Tenders in for college

CONSTRUCTION of a new residential college at the University Of New England will begin in the next few months.
Chief Operating Officer David Cushway said tenders to construct the 220-bed facility were currently being evaluated.
The colleges are an integral part of UNE, as they accommodate about half of its on-campus students.
The construction of the new college is part of the nearly $50 million capital infrastructure spend on the Armidale campus in 2013.
Robb College has also been earmarked for redevelopment, however uncertainty surrounding a heritage application on the building has halted any further work.
“We have been advised this week (1 May 2013) by the Heritage Council that they will take a further six months to consult with stakeholders, including UNE, on the project.
“We continue to work with the Heritage Council to resolve this issue and at the invitation of the Robb College Alumni, I met with the original architect of the building, Michael Dysart, to discuss the proposed redevelopment.
“Robb College is an important institution at UNE and we are committed to working with stakeholders to find a suitable way forward,” Mr Cushway said.
The new college is expected to open to students in the first half of 2013.

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