Watch out for scams

POLICE from the New England Local Area Command are encouraging members of the community to be mindful when giving personal, financial or credit card details over the phone or the internet to persons or companies offering financial gain for a small fee or attempting to sell products.
Make inquiries and confirm the legitimacy of the persons or companies that make contact with you before handing over money or personal details.
The people running these scams are very clever – once you have given them access to your personal details, computer or handed over money via an internet transfer or credit card, the chances of getting it back are minimal.
This is especially so when your money is sent to an overseas account or company. Please make sure you know who you are dealing with, confirm they are from a legitimate company, know what you are investing in or purchasing before giving away any of your personal or financial information.
Please report any scams or hoax emails to your local police station, the Police Assistance Line 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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