Calendar girls

Lindsay Russell, better known in Roller Derby circles as HallnAss from the Valley Vixen’s fundraising calendar. IMAGE: ERIN SMITH

What do you do when you need to raise money for new equipment? Well, if you’re the Valley Vixen Roller Derby girls, then a calendar is just the thing.
Now, you may say it has all been done before – but definitely not like this.
The members of the Valley Vixens team, mainly local Tweed-Lower Gold Coast mums, have posed for a 1940s-50s pin-up girl calendar with a little help from photographer Erin Smith.
Valley Vixen member Zoe Hind said it had already proven a major money spinner for the club, who play out of the Epic Skate Rink at Tweed, raising $4000 towards much needed training equipment for the club.
“We wanted to produce a calendar fundraiser but, being a not for profit sports club, we needed to work,” she said.
“In the past we had heard of other clubs losing money on projects like this, so we went on-line to and set up a calendar project.”
She said friends, family and supporters came on board to raise the money to make the calendar possible, effectively buying their copies before it had even been created. They have done well with their first run of 500 calendars and are looking to do a second run.
Zoe said all money raised will go to the Vixen’s parent club Tweed Valley Rollers for their “Fresh Meat” training program. The money will go towards creating a training kit for new members to use when they start out in the sport – an expensive exercise, with safety equipment including helmets and elbow pads not coming cheap.
The Vixens are the “travelling squad” members of the Tweed Valley Rollers Club – a club set up four years ago, which has now attracted 80 members. The 14 members of the Vixen squad travel from Brisbane to Armidale to play games.
If you want to see the Vixens in action in this fast growing sport, Zoe suggests a trip to Epic Skate Rink on November 11 for their Intra-league game.
“It is seriously the best sport I’ve ever done,” she said.
“It’s great for fun and fitness and a sense of community.
“Eighty per cent of the girls are working mums.”
If you’d like to help the Rollers and Vixens by buying a calendar, head to and follow the links.

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