Bonanza of fun Christmas Cheer in Armidale Mall


It was abuzz with Christmas cheer in the Armidale Mall over the weekend, with Armidale Dumaresq Council’s Community Relations Committee hosting a fun-filled program of music and dance and the inaugural ‘A is for Armidale’ Factor Talent Quest. The prelude to the festivities was the turning on of the Christmas lights in the Mall on Friday night by Mayor Jim Maher. And of course, on Saturday, Santa Claus and Mrs Claus stopped in to say hello!

“The Twilight Festival has been about bringing people together in the mall to see the turning on of the Christmas lights and acknowledging that the season of celebration is here,” said Mayor Jim Maher.

“It is a wonderful occasion and a lot of work has gone into preparing the weekend of events.”

“On Saturday we have had a whole day of performances for the whole family to enjoy.”

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