Caba garden scores grant

Cabarita Community Garden is one of 20 community environmental organisations across Australia to have been awarded a Be Natural Landcare Community Garden Grant.

Grants of up to $2500 were awarded to community groups and schools working on a range of projects, including developing community gardens from the ground up, planting harmony and interactive sensory gardens, hosting bush tucker workshops, collecting seeds to propagate seedlings and much more.

The funding will go towards a ‘Sowing a Community Garden’ Project, which will make the local schoo veggie patch more accessible for elderly and disabled members of the community. It will also provide a much needed space for relaxation, learning and community spirit.

Faye Nash of Cabarita Community Garden is looking forward to putting the Be Natural Landcare Grant of $2150 to good use.

“The grant will allow us to complete the building of 12 new garden beds and refurbish five existing community beds. Being a “no dig” garden in its first year of operation, our initial costs have been substantial. We are grateful to receive this grant which will accelerate our progress, allowing all residents to practise sustainable gardening,” she said.

The 20 funded projects all share the common theme of focusing on engaging with local communities, fostering grassroots projects, encouraging sustainable living and raising awareness of the importance of local environmental action.

Be Natural spokesperson, Nik Scotcher, is happy to be able to support such worthy projects that see people connecting with the natural environment.

Summer Produce

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