Disability employment enterprise receives tick for quality

Story: Gary Fry


Local Disability Employment Service “Acacia Park Enterprises” a division of The Ascent Group, has recently received full Quality Assurance accreditation from external auditors, International Standards Certification Pty Ltd.

Following an exhaustive two day audit by a team of auditors, Acacia Park Enterprises was declared fully conforming to the Commonwealth Disability Employment Standards. Acacia Park Enterprises is classified by the Australian Government as an Australian Disability Enterprise with the aim of providing meaningful and productive employment for people living with a disability in a commercial environment.

Acacia Park Enterprises employs 35 people living with a disability who are engaged in a range of enterprises including printing, mailing and packaging, office paper recycling and security shredding, commercial cleaning and car washing and detailing.

Workers are paid in accordance with the Supported Employment Services Award and most have completed accredited TAFE training.

CEO of The Ascent Group, Kevin Mead said that he was very proud of the achievements of the Acacia Park Enterprises team.

“The auditors recognised not only the quality of the work, the processes and systems, they also commented on the highly positive culture and team work evident.”

Mr Mead said that workers were paid higher than the national average compared to similar employment enterprises across the country. “Although the Government provides some funding for training and support, all business costs and wages have to be met through business income.”

Australian Disability Enterprises will come under the banner of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

“In the changing world of disability services and the impending introduction of the NDIS people living with a disability and their families need to be confident that the service they choose is Quality Assured.” Mr Mead said.

The Ascent Group is the local community’s not for profit, charitable organisation which has been providing disability and community care services, including employment, accommodation, day programs, Home and Community Care and respite services in Armidale since 1955 and is an active member of the community, the Chamber of Commerce, the Sustainability Advantage program and Locals 4 Locals.

The official Accreditation is valid for three years.

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